Saturday, August 2, 2014

The San Diego Zoo with my animals

Today was dedicated to Keagan's wishes. Which lasted a few minutes before Seamus was complaining that he should get some choices too...the organ wasn't enough. 

We went twice today. The first three hours were spent on the bus tour and walking around, looking at a few animals, getting all turned around, and deciding that while we were hungry, I wasn't paying $5.19 for a diet coke. Or a $10 hotdog.  Seamus had opted to not partake in breakfast, and this family needed food quickly before things really deteriorated. 

Seamus did take several pictures. Including a video of a 146 year old tortoise. Walking. 

We were also very snarky because the tv news station had declared a "cloud and rain watch", and was concerned about the "juicy" and "wacky" weather conditions.  They predicted one or even two tenths of an inch of rain. The woman by the turtle exhibit also referenced a "downpour". 

In reviewing my photos, I found that I'd only taken two. 

The honey badger. 

Clearly, I had seen all I needed to see. Three hours. Two pictures. 

After our lunch at Smashburger, an upscale establishment we discovered at the Newark airport and have eaten at every day, we headed home, chilled, then headed back out. 

This time, the children were in much better humor. Which results in some very random and possibly inappropriate pictures. 

We also entertained ourselves by cracking up at all of the visitors decked out in zoo raincoats, which must have cost a ton. 

So first, the zoo animals. 

Cute kitten. Or mountain lion. 


Did you know that a flock of flamingoes is called a flamboyance?
Or that flamingoes start out gray. They were so cute!

Sweet little tiger

Koala. Keagan was a bit disappointed that they didn't do anything but sleep. 


Look at this touching scene!  The baby giraffe is only about 6 weeks old!

Birth certificate. 

That must've been quite a painful birth. 

Seventeen feet tall, this is the daddy giraffe. 


Elephant. The oldest here is 48 years old!

We took a couple of rides on the aerial tram, aka Skyfari. 

It was pretty cool. 

So, if you're still reading this, I figure you probably know us pretty well. 

But just in case, and if you think you might be offended by what a 13 yo boy, 15 yo boy, and a mom with a sense of humor firmly stuck in 6th grade, please stop reading. 

If you might think less of me, please stop reading. 

If you aren't interested in seeing Seamus pretending to give a camel statue a prostate exam, please close this post. 

Because pretty much what was happening between each animal picture was a series of "Mama!  Look what I'm doing!"  

Look, I'll just start with innocent.

Who can resist a polar cave?

Ok. I'll test you with a few more.  Keagan likes to strike a sexy pose. 

Here are some signs the boys found high-sterical. 

Mom, it's probably time you stopped looking. You are going to say that we are immature. 

We still can't say the name of this animal without laughing. 

Ok. You've all been warned. You may want to close the post now. 

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