Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Where does this musical talent come from?

Grandma Granger loved to play piano. She was a Kindergarten teacher for her entire career, and played and sang with her students. 

She also played and sang with her daily and friends, including at the retirement village. 

My Uncle Ralph taped some of these sessions and made memorial CDs. 

The cd cover featured a picture from Christmas 1977. Grandma (Doris Hartwell Granger) is at the piano. 

Counterclockwise is my brother, Greg, age 4; me, age 7 wearing a leotard are hair yarn and my Denny Terrio Dance Fever disco Lycra wrap skirt, cousins: David Whitlock, age 3, Jenny (Jennifer) Whitlock, age 8 months, and Justin Granger, age 3. Or maybe 4. Justin was born on Christmas Eve. 

David now lives in Portland, OR. 

David and his family took me to dinner on Monday night. It was the first time I got to meet my sweet second cousins!

David is the tall guy, obviously. Amelia is 8, and Serena is 5. 

Here are Amelia and Seamus after the concert. It was the first time they met.  Seamus flat out told David he didn't remember his wedding. Pffft, geez Seamus, you were 5, you don't remember?

The family shot: me, Amelia, Seamus, David. 

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